
Designing for Enterprises

Tech Hustle is a series of sessions featuring leaders from Big Techs to provide insights, learnings and resources in designing/managing product for growth. Join us as we learn from global leaders who are creating disruptive products through innovative methods.

Learning Goals:

- Learn the tools, techniques and ideas that have been applied by industry leaders throughout their careers

- Hear about the latest design trends and predictions and how these are shaping the future of design/product/technology

- Understand the successful methods that are applied by the mentors to create innovative/human-centered/accessible products


Mosope Adebowale - Product Designer, Facebook

Mosope is a product designer who is fascinated by the relationship between human interaction and technology. Much of his work has been dedicated to designing better user experiences for products. His long-term goal is to make technology easy to use and accessible to everyone. When Mosope is not designing, you can find him drumming, watching anime and exploring around the country.

👉 Connect with Mosope:

ADPList: https://adplist.org/mentors/mosope-ad...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mosopeade...


Aarianna Barnes - UX Designer at Edward Jones

Aarianna is a UX Designer, mentor, fitness lover, gospel music enthusiast, and mental health advocate. Born and raised in Harlem, New York, Aarianna loves pointing people to just the right restaurant to fill their unique appetite. Aarianna currently works at Edward Jones, and is excited to connect with, learn from, and mentor other designers along the way.

👉 Connect with Aarianna:

ADPList: https://adplist.org/mentors/aarianna-...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aariannab...

Instagram: @Aari_the_artist


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